Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Detect the Fake Online Product Reviews from the real

Internet is a great place for information exchange. Everyone knows it and has started to look into the reviews, views and comments of customers those who have used the product. It is undoubtedly a time of great change of technology and newer services are coming in to the market place every now and then. New and newer websites are also created every day and many of them are becoming popular too. So there is a need of checking them and to cross check what kind of products and services they deliver. New and prospective buyers find it convenient to go through these reviews and then collect information and make their first opinion. But do you know that research has revealed that most of them are fake and aren’t genuine at all to be considered.
There is a new game that is being on in the internet review world. People not from the internet world or not from the computer world may not know it but there is a subject or a discipline that has emerged which is named Online Reputation Management (ORM). What is Online Reputation Management all about and how is it done. The critics opine that most of the practices adopted by these people are unethical and fake. Most of the advertising and marketing agencies have been doing this for their clientele. They go masquerading online pretending as highly satisfied customers and contrarily they also sometimes damage the reputation of the competitors of their clients. How do they do it? They simply write fake comments about the products and services of their clientele which seems to be written by highly satisfied customers or write comments about their competitors which show that the products are disgraceful.
TGS Constructions Reviews

There was a research done by a company named Mintel and they found out that 57 percent of the comments read by the readers are being taken by the readers as fake. A number as large as 49 percent of the readers feel that the highly commendable comments and reviews about any company or products are written by customers who are paid for it. This is also true. The advertising and the PR agencies employ such customers to write such reviews about any product or services too. So the pertinent question that arises is how to demarcate the fake comments from the genuine ones. This is also a fact that there are genuine comments too on the internet. So the reader must be having an eye of reading the comments and understanding which of the comments are right and which are fake. There was recently software created to filter the genuine comments from the fake ones by a research team of the CornellUniversity. The experts and the researchers are of the opinion that these are few of the precautions one can take while reading comments and reviews on the internet.

Investigate about the reviewer:Companies like Amazon.com cross check the user’s reviews with the database of their buyers in order to authenticate the reviews. Few are authenticated by the company and there are websites which only accept reviews with genuine receipt vouchers and proofs of default transactions by the company if one writes a negative comment. But again the experts caution us of being skeptical about the assessments of the online reviews of online critics.
Customer Reviews
Investigate about the reviewer
Examine the language:The right reviewers would not use vague language and beat around the bush. They would always give the right description with specific user’s experience. This is also true cautions the researchers that if the reviewer writes the model number, specific product names with too many technical jargon then there is room to be skeptic. An example would be “The battery was horrible, I hate it!” is most likely to be a fake comment. The reason is it does not state anything specific about the product. On the contrary if someone writes “The battery just lasted for 2 hours and then started leaking” there are chances that it is genuine.
Examine the Reviews language
Check the timing of writing the reviews: The reviews that are written in an hour’s time may seem to be fake. The reason is that one person may have been appointed to write fake comments from different locations and he might have written those in a flurry. This is prevalent in few industries like the reviews of real estate.

Description of the product or service: A research was conducted about the reviews of the hotels and real estate reviews. The construction reviews that were found to be fake were lacking the right description and the same was true for hotel industry. The reviewers failed to write about the space of the rooms, the elevation, the height of ceiling and the description of other objects like doors, floors, etc. The reason is they never visited the place and do not have a firsthand experience of the product that they were using.

Product Reviews

The purpose of this article is to make the prospective customers of TGS Constructions aware about the malpractices adopted in the market and how to keep away from it. The intention is to create an authentic website where the reviewers would be matched with their purchase details and be verified as genuine. These TGS Constructions customer’s reviews , TGS reviews, feedback, complaints, frauds and scams can be taken as real as they are verified.


Unknown said...

Finding reviews and rating in internet is easy. But to believe it is difficult. We have to examine some parameters in their review. Then we can find out whether it is a genuine one or not.

Unknown said...

Apart from this there are many variations between the fake and real reviews. If a review is real they will give some valid information like, date, project, order number, etc. So we need to identify those things.

Unknown said...

Thanks Soumya for writing for us. Will surely add these too points also.

Unknown said...

Hi Soumya, you are 100% right. Now the fake reviews are more, we have to identify the genuine reviews and need to encourage good things.